Dental Discounts Plans
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Dental - Hearing - Vision - Prescriptions - Disgnostic Imaging - Lab Testing


Open up and say ahhh!  Saving money on your family’s dental care has never been easier!  Enjoy immediate access with no waiting periods or forms to fill out.  Save between 15%-50% on dental care. Choose from a network of over 80,000 general dentists and specialists.  Discounts are not available in AK, MT, ND, SD, VT, WA and WY.

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Access DentalOpen Up And Say Ahh! As a member, you can visit any participating dentist as often as you like and save 15% to 30% on dental care for you and your family. The dental program includes virtually everything from routine check-ups, to fillings, crowns, braces and even cosmetic work.

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Dental Access Plus Sample Savings:
Procedure Description Usual Fee* Discounted Fee**
(for Plan Members)
Member Savings*
Routine 6 month Check-up
Full Mouth X-Rays
Adult Teeth Cleaning
Child Teeth Cleaning
Single Crown - Porcelain on High Noble Metal
Root Canal Treatment - Bicuspid
Root Canal Treatment - Molar
Perio Scaling and Root Planing (Per Quadrant)
Single Tooth Removal - Simple Extraction
Complete Denture Maxillary
Complete Denture Mandibular

Search ProvidersHearing CareSavings… How Sweet the Sound! As a member, you have access to hearing care and hearing aids from a leading provider. You have access to the largest network of independent audiologists with over 1,500 locations. Save 20% off custom earmolds, repair and related services. Save 10% off programmable/digital hearing aids, including Bluetooth and remote accessories.
Discounts are not available in IL.

Search ProvidersSave 35% off normal retail prices on frames (complete pair) and 20% off lenses and lens add-ons. Visit participating retailers such as LensCrafters, EyeMasters, Pearle Vision and other independent vision providers! In all, there are more than 45,000 providers in over 21,000 locations to choose from.

Search ProvidersRx DiscountsSave 20% to 60% off retail prices of many generic prescription drugs and 20% to 40% off brand name prescription drugs. Choose from a network of over 58,000 participating national and regional chain pharmacies such as Albertsons, CVS, Duane Reade, K-Mart, Kerr Drug, Kroger, Longs Drugs, Medicine Shoppe, Osco, Publix, Rite Aid, Safeway, Target, Walgreens, Wal-Mart, Winn-Dixie and more!

Search ProvidersNow YOU Have The Power! This program provides access to discounted lab work - without a prescription! The savings range from 20% to 70% off retail billed charges.Discounts not available in MD. Lab tests are available in NY, NJ, MA & RI for Wellness and STD testing only.

Search ProvidersNow YOU Have The Power! This program provides access to discounted lab work - without a prescription! The savings range from 20% to 70% off retail billed charges.Discounts not available in MD. Lab tests are available in NY, NJ, MA & RI for Wellness and STD testing only.

Disclosures: The discount medical, health, and drug benefits of this Plan (The Plan) are NOT insurance,a health insurance policy, a Medicare Prescription Drug Plan or a qualified health plan under the Affordable Care Act. The Plan provides discounts for certain medical services, pharmaceutical supplies, prescription drugs or medical equipment and supplies offered by providers who have agreed to participate in The Plan. The range of discounts for medical, pharmacy or ancillary services offered under The Plan will vary depending on the type of provider and products or services received. The Plan does not make and is prohibited from making members’ payments to providers for products or services received under The Plan. The Plan member is required and obligated to pay for all discounted prescription drugs, medical and pharmaceutical supplies, services and equipment received under The Plan, but will receive a discount on certain identified medical, pharmaceutical supplies, prescription drugs, medical equipment and supplies from providers in The Plan. The Discount Medical Plan Organization/Discount Plan Organization is Alliance HealthCard of Florida, Inc., 5005 LBJ Freeway, Suite 1500, Dallas, TX 75244. You may call 800-565-3827 or email for more information or visit the provider link for a list of providers. The Plan will make available before purchase and upon request, a list of program providers and the providers’ city, state and specialty, located in the member’s service area. The fees for The Plan are specified in the membership agreement. The Plan includes a 30-day cancellation provision.

Note to MA consumers: The plan is not insurance coverage and does not meet the minimum creditable coverage requirements under M.G.L. c. 111M and 956 CMR 5.00.

Not available in AK, MT, ND, OK, RI, SD, TN, UT, VT, WA, WY. Medical discounts provided by Alliance HealthCard of Florida, Inc.